Other than the massive advantage of stepping away from Silicon manufactured PV Cells where the entire market is controlled by China, Perovskite PV Solar Cells is human-made and can be any one of many materials.
When looking at a cost factor in comparison, a Perovskite PV module cost $0.25 whereas a traditional Silicon PV module costs between $4.00 to $10.00 per module.

A big advantage perovskite PVs have over conventional solar technology is that they can react to various different wavelengths of light, which lets them convert more of the sunlight that reaches them into electricity.
Moreover, they offer flexibility, semi-transparency, tailored form factors, light-weight and more.
Perovskite solar cells are, without a doubt, the rising star in the field of photovoltaics. They are causing excitement within the solar power industry with their ability to absorb light across almost all visible wavelengths, exceptional power conversion efficiencies already exceeding 20% up to 45% in the lab, and relative ease of fabrication.